Thursday, April 28, 2011

'5 de Mayo' a fiesta for all

Normandale Community College celebrates diversity and welcomes everyone to 'Cinco de Mayo' celebration.

Following the tradition of each Cinco de Mayo, NCC will host a celebration that highlight the importance of our Hispanic friends and help to embrace diversity and culture.

Organized by the Club Latino and sponsored by Lead Founds, President’s Council Diversity, the Center for Multicultural Services, and Normandale Program Board. Cinco de Mayo party promotes culture, tolerance and a better appreciation for Hispanic celebrations with culture, piñatas, food, music, sombreros, drinks, mariachis, and endless fun.
If you hear Mariachi music, follow them as the flautist of Hamelin. Everyone is invited to celebrate the next Thursday, May 5th

Here you have a cultural and Historic note about Cinco de Mayo:
Cinco de Mayo has a real significance in Mexican-American culture. On May 5th of 1862, Mexican troops defeated French forces near the city of Puebla. Outnumbered and outgunned, everything was against the Mexicans, but they pulled off a spectacular victory. The victory ended French presence in Mexico.
Now that’s something to celebrate!  Otherwise we would be taking French classes instead of Spanish classes.

**Contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo has nothing to do with Mexican Independence, which happened on September 16th of 1810.  

Of course bring all your amigos, your marichi sombrero, maracas and your taco costume, if you have one. y Ole!

When: May 5th, 2011

Where: NCC Gym

Cost: General Admission $2.00 and $1.00 for NCC students

Time: from 4pm to 8pm

What does it means Cinco de Mayo for you?

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