Thursday, May 26, 2011

If you are reading this, you are a survivor

But that is not enough; you need to know what to do in case of some contingency or a zombie attack.

For such reasons the Center for Disease Control andResponse, by the hand of Dr. Ali S. Khan, posted in their website a guide that will prepare you for a Zombie Apocalypse.

Yeah, the idea sounds crazy and funny, but the real propose for CDC is spreading the word about how to prepare for natural disasters like tornadoes, earthquakes, or some inundation.  

*The idea original came from a staff who noticed an upsurge in Twitter traffic about zombies being mentioned on Japan and the radiation. Also, It was So much the psychosis, with the doomsday prophesy, that there was said that the end of the world would be related with a zombies attack.

The CDC advices that every home should have an emergency kit that includes, one gallon of water per person, food, medications, tools and supplies, sanitation and hygiene items, clothing and bedding, important documents and first aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane).

The CDC also advised to pick a meeting place for your family to regroup, make an emergency contact list, and plan an evacuation route. *extracted from CDC website

 “If you’re ready for a zombie apocalypse, you’re ready for anything. And that’s what we hope catches on,” said Angela Cimilluca, an Oswego County Health Department Public Health Educator.

No doubt that the idea is genial and really gets people attention.  At least if we are not under a zombie attack, we already are informed how to deal in case of natural disaster.

Because you are already informed, you can save the next famous quote from Private Hudson, Aliens 1986 for another occasion in which you don’t know what to do:
That's it man, game over man, game over! What the f… are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?

To learn more about what CDC does to prepare for and respond to emergencies of all kinds, visit:

To learn more about how you can prepare for and stay safe during an emergency visit:

Good day to all the survivors

of the

judgment day

Yeah! Sure you must be happy or being a survivor of the most recently events. Maybe you agree or disagree with the topic, for a moment I thought that I would never see my finals grades and pay my bills again, but the fact is that with the recently announcements and the media spreading the news…People reaction went from 0 to Wow!

 Lest put this more clear

I am talking about surviving the constant media S..t that make wonder if things are really serious or what! Some of those reasons were the California Ex-Governator’s love affair(s), the Doomsday Date Postponed for a mathematical mistake, and the Zombies Survive Guide published by the CDC. All of this…it is like getting slapped in the face.

Media is a wonderful tool of communication, but when is in the hands of clowns, well, maybe we need to talk about a new comical segment on media that might be very profitable. Maybe a segment in which everyone can come with false doomsday prophesies, politician and public scandals with their home staff, and of course, cool ideas like the Zombies survive guide.

Everyone will have a moment of fame in any single media channel.  There will be not the typical tryout, or dance elimination, and people can vote for their favorite scandal news or fake public figure.  

Then, some kind of book publications would appear with a lot of title options like: How to keep an affair without being discovered, “Hasta la vista baby” avoiding parenting, “Asking for understanding” conceiving the new leader of the human resistance, How to create your own doomsday in 5 simple steps, Leadership and development: get attention and control of people by manipulating their beliefs, etc.

However, it does not matter if you think that this is not important, but let me mention that something for sure is that these are neither the first nor the last people to come with such parodies. But more important is to learn to select media and news and keep mind and eyes open.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

After finals

After finish the period of final examinations studying and working like a crazy, after drink not cups, but gallons of coffee, after hours of lacking of sleep and a terrible diet composed of everything digestible, but not healthy food, it is time to get some time off.

Many students at NCC did a good job finishing the spring semester with a satisfactory effort. Others finished with a regular performance, and others more expired, literally, in the effort to get a good grade. The only thing that remain, after final examinations, is to reflex about the performance in class and if the grades are according our expectative.

For some reason in the last lecture of my World Civilization II, came the topic about cheating during exam.  It was funny to hear that people still cheating during exam, even in college level.

The topic is not new, but in some way made me think when for different reasons, laziness or not having the time, we had hard time memorizing lectures, concepts, formulas, definitions, etc.  And of course, the unavoidable question, how many times did you copy in an exam?  Being honest, at least in some moment we have turned our eyes to see our classmate’s exam, perhaps only “to compare" answers, but we have done it. 

Picture from:

There are some techniques like writing the answers or key point of the exam in little pieces of paper, in the hands or legs, or have a very agile eye to watch and verify the exam of the contiguous buddy.  However, those techniques, sometimes, worked fine, but with modern technology came modern ways to cheat in exam.

In order to develop new tricks that improve their chances to pass, some students take an old technique and improve it with the help of technology. Now, students use gadgets like cellphones with Bluetooth and internet, iPods, hands free, digital cameras, and other technology that are a disadvantage for those professors who are not update in the use of such technology.

Internet website like YouTube, help students to interchange ideas and techniques that lead them to improve their methods of cheating during exam.

Not all the students fall in this classification. There are students who prefer accept a low grade and work harder in the next chance or just like others who can talk with the professor(s) asking for more time and have a better preparation for examinations.

At the end the idea is just only encourage to prepare ourselves for a better performance in school that will be translated in the future performance in our work place.

Do you think that in a meeting or in a professional presentation you will be able to copy or see your co-worker results?

It’s not a bird, is not superman, neither an
airplane nor a UFO.

He is a pilot with a lot of nerve and his name is Yves Rossi, better known as Jet-Man, Rocket Man, Fusion Man or Buzz Lightyear.
Original from planet earth, more precisely from Switzerland, Rossi has become a complete celebrity. The jet man completed a flight over the Grand Canyon in his self propelled suit.
Reaching a speed of 190 miles per hour, something like 305 km/hr, Rossi is the first man who flies over the Grand Canyon using a jet-powered fixed wing strapped to his back.  In his own words, Rossi said “the flight was one of the most memorable experiences in his life.”

Will somebody explain what is going on?
There are a lot to tell about this guy. Yves Rossi is a Swiss pilot and inventor who developed a system comprising a back pack with semi-rigid aero plane type carbon fiber wings with a length close to 7,9ft (2.4mts).  This device is powered by four jet engines modified from model aircraft engines.  His first flight was in November 2006 with six minutes and nine seconds of duration.  In 2008, he flew over the English Channel with nine minutes and seven seconds of duration.  

Important is to point out that he control his movements using his head, shoulders and arms, and he is the first human who flew over the English Channel, the Alps, and the Grand Canyon using a jetpack. It is amazing, isn’t it?

Flying or falling, Rossi is the first one to make possible the dream of many years of flying using a jetpack.  This successful invention brings memories, just like many years a go with the Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, who in 1903 made possible the first powered flight.  

                                      To the infinity… and beyond!