Thursday, May 19, 2011

It’s not a bird, is not superman, neither an
airplane nor a UFO.

He is a pilot with a lot of nerve and his name is Yves Rossi, better known as Jet-Man, Rocket Man, Fusion Man or Buzz Lightyear.
Original from planet earth, more precisely from Switzerland, Rossi has become a complete celebrity. The jet man completed a flight over the Grand Canyon in his self propelled suit.
Reaching a speed of 190 miles per hour, something like 305 km/hr, Rossi is the first man who flies over the Grand Canyon using a jet-powered fixed wing strapped to his back.  In his own words, Rossi said “the flight was one of the most memorable experiences in his life.”

Will somebody explain what is going on?
There are a lot to tell about this guy. Yves Rossi is a Swiss pilot and inventor who developed a system comprising a back pack with semi-rigid aero plane type carbon fiber wings with a length close to 7,9ft (2.4mts).  This device is powered by four jet engines modified from model aircraft engines.  His first flight was in November 2006 with six minutes and nine seconds of duration.  In 2008, he flew over the English Channel with nine minutes and seven seconds of duration.  

Important is to point out that he control his movements using his head, shoulders and arms, and he is the first human who flew over the English Channel, the Alps, and the Grand Canyon using a jetpack. It is amazing, isn’t it?

Flying or falling, Rossi is the first one to make possible the dream of many years of flying using a jetpack.  This successful invention brings memories, just like many years a go with the Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, who in 1903 made possible the first powered flight.  

                                      To the infinity… and beyond!

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